This is an experiment by two experts, Carstern Höller and his partner Stefano Mancuso. Casten Höller is an entomologist who has also studied psychopathology whereas Stefano Mancuso is a plant neurobiologist.  The Florence experiment will be held from the 19th of April to 26th August at Pallazo Strozzi in Florence. So, what is the Florence experiment?

First, there has been some construction in Pallazo Strozzi to conduct the experiment. A slide has been put up there; the slide is not normal since it is a twin slide which is passed through a palace. For the experiment to be complete, you have to undergo two stages. As a visitor, you will slide down from a height of twenty meters. This will show how emotions in that state will impact plants. Before sliding, you’ll be handed a plant to slide down with it; this will trigger some emotions which should, in turn, affect the plant in some way.

After sliding, you’ll pass through a laboratory since the observations need to be recorded so that a conclusion can be made. What is recorded is the voltaic molecules and photosynthetic parameters which will presumably create the emotions you will feel while sliding down.

The second stage is a little bit interesting. Ironically, this scientific experiment will also involve the watching of a horror movie. Well, if you are still wondering how that can happen, it is important to note that the basement of Palazzo Strozzi is equipped with a theater where the second stage of the experiment will take place. Moreover, the piping system in the theater has been put up in such a way that it can tap the volatile chemical compounds which will be released by different people experiencing different emotions.

In other words, thanks to this experiment the visitors will watch a horror movie,and the volatile compounds which will be released during the movie will determine how a plant will grow. Vines of Wisteria will be put around the theatre in a  “Y” shape wire. These vines will absorb the volatile compounds produced by the visitors, and some growth will be seen depending on the chemical absorbed. Different directions will help in the analysis of how human behavior affects the plant. Plants graphs will be drawn to make the work easier.

The Florence experiment by Carsten Höller and Stefano Mancuso is aimed to prove that human behavior affects plants. It is pretty obvious that from the stages which a visitor goes through, different emotions will be felt, and the plant will react in different ways. Emotions experienced in the first stage are supposed to be thrilling and exciting. On the other hand, when it comes to watching a horror movie, of course, mixed emotions will be felt, especially fear. Other feelings which might be perceived are anxiety and amusement. Through this, it will be evident that humans impact plants through feelings.