If you are looking for a fair or a special event to visit while in Florence, Italy, then there are several that may catch your eye.

From antiques to hand crafts and furniture, you will find that there is something for everyone at these unique events in Florence.

You will find that visiting these fairs will bring true appreciation to Florence and the history that it has.
Below are some of the most unique events that will help you decide what to do once you grace the land of Florence.

Arezzo Antique Fair

The Arezzo Fair was created by Ivan Bruschi, in 1968, and today it is known as the oldest and biggest antique fair in Tuscany.

Transforming his love for old and unique into one big event, the street filled with people the first Sunday of every month and that Saturday that precedes that month.

What started out as a small venue from one man’s love has turned into an event that has 500 vendors from across the country that sell their goods as well as over 30 thousand customers who love to come and see what is new and unique or old and unique.

Arezzo Fair

Panzano in Chianti (Aprilante)

Although this fair is called Aprilante, it is a year round fair  that takes place every month in the Chianti’s small town.
At this market, you will find hand crafts, vintage and delicious typical foods. If you would like to see the countryside outside of Florence, then take a trip to this historic town and get lost inside of the historical beauty.

Outside of this fair, you will be able to enjoy the quaint streets of Panzano.

With several excellent restaurants to choose from, visitors will not be disappointed and they will be able to take in the medieval era style buildings, which still have some of the original walls. Visitors can also explore different kind of foods in some restaurants, cafes and meat markets, above all here tourists can choose from several delicious meats.


Anghiari (42nd Mostra Mercato dell’ Artigianato della Valtiberina Toscana)

This event has been taking place for over thirty years between the end of April and the beginning May.
It is an even that is set up along the streets, alleys, squares, and corners, with vendors showing their crafts.

Founded in 1975, the exhibition not only has a cat walk of products, but it also has has potters and wood carvers, who share their skills and products.
This is truly a unique fair that has around 40 thousand visitors a year and always keeps the crowds coming back.

Mostra Mercato dell'Artigianato

Villa Gamberaia

If you are looking for somewhere to stay when visiting Florence, then staying at the Villa Gamberaia may be for you. You will be able to take in the beauty of the hanging garden.
Located on the outskirts of Florence, many visitors love going to see the gardens alone, but they do need an appointment just to see them.

If you are wanting to see something historic, then seeing the Limonaia, a 15th century farmhouse is worth the visit. This farmhouse belonged to the family of the sculptor and architect, Bernadino Rosellino.

You will not be disappointed if you visit one of these places once getting to Florence. While some people come and get a real sense of the history of Florence, others leave with a newfound appreciation of Italy and the hope of coming back. Visiting these places is only the beginning of what’s to come with the unique trip to Florence.

 Villa Gamberaia